Tara Alperin

Styles Taught: PearlFlow, SlowFlow, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Teacher Mentorships

Current Mantra: "We are all walking each other back home"

Hometown: Austin, TX

Favorite thing to do in Boulder: Getting to spend time with all the lovely people in this town!

My mission is to help you uncover tools to find more ease and peace of mind no matter what life sends your way.

I have been a mover all my life and believe in the power of movement to help us shift patterns to access more joy and freedom in our lives. I started off as a competitive figure skater, switched that out for the more artistic movement of ballet and contemporary dance and then moved into yoga as a way to heal my body. I have come to see that the simple art of connecting breath to body is one of the most powerful tools we have to transform our energy, our day and ultimately our lives.

Facilitating others’ growth comes naturally to me. I have been teaching yoga and dance, and guiding yoga teachers as well as directing professional performers for over 15 years. I love riding the flow of helping individuals and groups uncover what will be of most benefit to them in their present place. Everything I do is grounded in intuition around what will best serve the unique individual or group in front of me. And I love it! My guidance comes with a grounded yet joyful and sparkly mood.