Laura Orland

Styles Taught: PearlFlow, SlowFlow, Yin

Current Mantra: You are exactly where you’re meant to be.

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Favorite thing to do in Boulder: Farmers Market!

As a yoga instructor, my goal is to make the practice feel accessible and shared, while building a space for community. My trainings derive from teachings across parts of Southeast Asia in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga. For me, yoga has been and continues to be a form of healing, inner connectivity and building presence. There is a playfulness in the practice that lightens my state of well-being and I suppose that is what I look to offer to my students most … a chance to give rise to an inner-playfulness, an open-mind and the ability to release. Beyond yoga, you can find me hiking, skiing, cooking, hosting dinner parties and traveling. I also run a social impact focused media relations and marketing strategy firm called Hi-Lo representing startups and public figures in Boulder.